As usual I'm perplexed and disappointing with my Gardens Gone Wild Photography Contest photos selections. As none of them have received even a honorable mention. I will admit however that they didn't measure up to the "winners". I suppose we second guess our selections or if we cropped them right etc etc. Well I suppose I will continue on! I'm sure some of you have seen these before, so excuse me if they are redundant.
Penstemon mexicali (died this brutal summer)'red rocks'
Stipa tennuissama, Festuca and Rudbeckia hirta
Stipa tenuissima, Achilea 'Coronation Gold', Penstemon mexicalli 'Red Rocks', and Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster'
Salvia fairanacea, Salvia guaranitica 'black and blue', globe basil, Rudebeckia fulgida 'goldstrum' and Miscanthus sinensis 'morning light'
Achilea millefolium 'terra cotta', Liatris spicata, Salvia fairanacea, and Achilea 'coranation gold'
Achilea millefolium 'terra cotta' presently my favorite plant.
Falugia paradoxia -Apache plume
As usual you can go to Gardens Gone Wild Picture This Photography website to view Octobers participants.
As usual you can go to Gardens Gone Wild Picture This Photography website to view Octobers participants.