As preparations for the Garden Bloggers Bloom Day post for November began, I began to reflect about the past year. These reflections had been influenced recently by my loss of internet technology, and how I've responded to this drought. Or more importantly how do we as bloggers make this blogging world take precedent over our daily lifestyle. I suppose everyone has their own answer to that question.
Schizachyrium scoparium-Little Bluestem with Salvia 'Mystic Spires
Initially my thoughts were focused on comparisons of a year ago, and how this blogosphere has influenced my everyday life since then. When my shoulder was injured in January along with the subsequent surgery, all my time was spent indoors or at physical therapy. Blogging became a real passion for me. Enjoyment was spending days reading, blogging, and pickin' on blotanical. (Does that mean I get a star now,since I mentioned it on my blog?).
Salvia fairnacea, Artemesia 'Powis Castle', and Schizachyrium scoparium-Little Bluestem
Along the way I met many garden blogging "friends" which are very encouraging and provide great fellowship. It's been great. My artistic side has resurfaced, knowledge gleaned, and have had a renewed interest in photography. Thank you all!
Last of the Gallardia.
However, after getting over the withdrawals after a week, (my video memory in my laptop was gone, my warranty was up along with my soul after dealing with Tech Support in India), I became "used" to being in the "real" world. More time spent outside, more time with family, and of course more time with my wife. She mentioned a few times she thought I was spending too much time online, and she was probably correct. It's kind of like food. Food is alright but too much of it can cause problems. Anyway, the biggest time constraint occurred when I went back to work in August. Seven months not working, what an adjustment. So, it's good to "see" all of you again! In conclusion the loss of technology has brought perspective for this blogger, gardener, husband, dad, follower of Christ and last but not least "grandpa". And I'm pleased to be back in a more limited role. Greg.

Salvia leucanthus-Mexican Bush Sage, Miscanthus 'Dixieland', and Salvia guaranitica 'black and blue' before the great freeze two weeks ago. Mex.Bush is smoked bush now.
Taken yesterday "Grandpa Fred" - Red Admiral. Last of the butterflies. Noticed a Monarch flying three days ago. Didn't quite understand that one.
Volunteer Alyssum "Golf" seedlings
Panicum "Heavy Metal"
Kalamagrostis "Karl", Achillea. and Annual Salvia.
Achillea, Artemisia "powis"
Basil seeds
Salvia fairnacea and Panicum Dewey Blue
I have linked to Carol(May Dreams Gardens) @
GBBD, Donna(Garden Walk, Garden Talk)
W4W which is texture and Foliage Follow up with Pam @