Every month on the 15th, Carol at May Dream Gardens shares her blog with windows to see other peoples bloom from their garden. Enjoy!
Drumstick Allium leftover blooms from July agaisnt the back drop of Nasella, Mexican Feather Grass.
Russian sage foreground, Rattlesnake master background with Lespedeza thunbergi behind that.
A choatic mix match of Drumstick Allium, Sedum matrona, seedling Redbud, and Monarda fistulosa.
Purple coneflower and Compass Plant - Silphium laciniatum behind the large leaves of the Prairie Dock-
Silphium terebinthinaceum.
Prairie Blazingstar -Liatris pachnostachya with Joe Pye weed in payground.
Last but not least this video shows the feeding grounds for Monarch butterflies, last count twelve. They really love the Liatris ligulstylus.