
Monday, July 13, 2015

Pure Prairie League

Pure Prairie League was/is one of my favorite country rock bands from the 70's just as the new prairie garden is maturing into my favorite garden area.
As most garden photographers understand the morning time period is a great time to 'shoot' the garden as well as view it from a golden standpoint.
Dalea purpurea-Purple Prairie Clover and Nasella tenuisima-Mexican Feather Grass.


  1. I liked that band too! Beautiful image, Greg. I like your header/banner also. Lots of plants for pollinators.

    1. Thanks Donna. Can you name the lead singer?

  2. I love that shot! I finally convinced my dalea to grow and it was devoured last year by the rabbits. This year it's in a pot and very happy. :o)

    1. Fantastic. I'm glad for your success, great plant.

  3. I'm redesigning my hell strip butterfly garden because some of the plants are underwhelming and it needs more texture, interest, pizzazz, etc. Would you be willing to list the plants you have in yours? Thanks :o)

    1. Sure. I will take out all the ones I plopped in on the original design and improve the design to make it later better. Gateway joe Pye in back, next wild quinine and rattlesnake master, next prairie smoke baptisia, next blaze little bluestem next purple prairie clover and Asclepius tuberose mixed with either Mexican feather grass or carex or prairie drop seed. Allium mixed with the front plants

    2. I also have 3 varieties of liatris. Ligulstylis having the greatest magnetism.

  4. Now that is a beautiful vignette! I love the Purple Prairie Clover.

  5. Nice photo, and quite the musical throw-back.

  6. Don't forget some earlier Kansas, since we're talking the Sunflower State and prairie!

    I still need to use purple prairie clover, since my one design including it was thwarted by the lawn-loving architect...your's is stunning with the grasses in that light.

  7. I love your banner photo. And I wish I knew how to keep Dalea alive. It just hates my garden (or me) and for the life of me I don't know why. Beautiful photo!


Thanks for leaving any comments, they are always welcomed. Sorry I had to add word verification as spam was becoming a huge problem. Greggo,