
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wildflower Wednesday September 2014

Yellow seems seems to be the color of choice for natives in my neck of the woods.
Some of the new blooms in the new native garden hellstrip are really responding to the growing conditions. Rudebeckia hirta, Verbena stricta, Eupatorium purpureum and Eryngium yuccifolium.

Rudebeckia subtomentosa-Sweet Black-Eyed Susan with Eupatorium purpurea- Sweet Scented Joe Pye Weed.
Ratibida pinnata-Yellow coneflower
In the vintage area of the hellstrip, Agastache foeniculum-Anise Hyssop, Dalea purpurea-Purple Prairie Clover, Panicum virgatum 'Dewey Blue', and Allium.
Schizachyriium scoparium'Blaze'-Blaze Little Bluestem in middle.
West half of the new prairie garden hellstrip.


  1. Yes, that hellstrip is looking great! You picked some impressive combinations. Ratibida has a fun personality.

    1. Yes, Ratibida is a new genus for me. I look forward to our relationship. he he.

  2. Yellow is a great color. It works well in so lots of impressive color combos. Your hellstrip looks fantastic. I really like your plant choices!

  3. Hi Greggo
    good to see you are still blasting us with fantastic colour. Hellstrips are new to me, glad to see it has nothing to do with a journey to an unfortunate destination. Anyway I definitely like yours and I also like ratibida which is also new to me. Take care, talk to you again sometime.

  4. I think of September as being yellow too. Between the waning Rudbeckia, the Solidago and all the hel-plants - Heleianthus, Heleiopsis and Helenium. Those last three confuse me frequently.

    1. And all the hel plants are in the Hellatrip right?

  5. Your garden is looking spectacular with all your yellow blooms. My rudbeckia were finished months ago. I wonder what the secret is to keeping them going throughout the summer. I notice that fork sitting among your plants. Neat idea. I have 2 fatter ones and I cannot come up with an idea for them. Maybe I just found one.

  6. I think the Susan's went longer this year do to our cooler early summer. The goldstrums were done quite some time ago.

  7. We missed you at the Kansas Native Plant Society Annual Wildflower Weekend in Pratt - I met up with Melanie and GonSS. We thought we might see you, too. Next year perhaps we should plan ahead a bit better!

    Your new hellstrip garden looks great. Love the designation of "Hel-plants"! I'm going to have to remember that one. Cynthia

    1. Yes we should plan ahead next year. And think you for the comment.

  8. Well Greggo,
    Must tell you that your hell strip isn't living up to its name as it appears so lush. Can attest our mild Kansas summer has rendered many things in the best possible light. As we KS boys need to stay together, I'm off to subscribe and would be thrilled if you did the same.

    1. Subscribe to the KNPS? Yes I've been a member for 3 years, its a fun organization.

  9. This is nice information i am also like yellow coneflower.
    clear tarpaulin


Thanks for leaving any comments, they are always welcomed. Sorry I had to add word verification as spam was becoming a huge problem. Greggo,