
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wildflower Wednesday September 2014

Yellow seems seems to be the color of choice for natives in my neck of the woods.
Some of the new blooms in the new native garden hellstrip are really responding to the growing conditions. Rudebeckia hirta, Verbena stricta, Eupatorium purpureum and Eryngium yuccifolium.

Rudebeckia subtomentosa-Sweet Black-Eyed Susan with Eupatorium purpurea- Sweet Scented Joe Pye Weed.
Ratibida pinnata-Yellow coneflower
In the vintage area of the hellstrip, Agastache foeniculum-Anise Hyssop, Dalea purpurea-Purple Prairie Clover, Panicum virgatum 'Dewey Blue', and Allium.
Schizachyriium scoparium'Blaze'-Blaze Little Bluestem in middle.
West half of the new prairie garden hellstrip.