
Friday, September 14, 2012

Bloom Day September 12

Yes it's that time of the month again, Garden Bloggers Bloom Day where garden bloggers from around the world share photos of their blooms. Carol of May Dream Gardens sponsors this event every month. Image above Echinacea purpurea-Purple Coneflower with Painted Lady-Vanessa virginiensis butterfly.
A well traveled and scarred Monarch enjoys a meal from a Agastache 'Blue Fortune'.
An Eastern Black Swallowtail-Papilio ployxenes feeding on a Bronze Fennel Plant-Foeniculum vulgare.
Clearwing Hummingbird moth-Hemaris thysbe- feeding on Nepeta faassenii- Catmint 'Walkers Low'
Monarch feeding on Asclepias incarnata-Swamp Milkweed.
Datura - Moon Flower. What photographer hasn't caputered this frame?
Front bed landscape. Dried blooms of Achillea millifolium, Echinacea purpurea, Artemisia 'Powis Castle" and Salvia farinacea. Happy Bloom Day, You'all!


  1. Very, very pretty Greg. I love the moon flower. I will be looking for that state of bloom myself next time I grow them.

  2. Lovely to see some more of your beautiful photographs this September bloom day. I don't know how you manage to get those flutterbies to keep still.

  3. Love the shot of the Datura before the great unfurl.

  4. Gorgeous blooms ..and your photography--EXCELLENT! I wish I had such talent.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. I never tire of seeing that datura shot. I can't seem to grow any myself even though it grows like weeds here. I saw my first monarch butterfly of the year yesterday. :)

  6. Great photos. Thee is still a lot of activity in the garden these days, isn't there? I wish I could get half as many butterflies to visit mine. Wonderful photos.

  7. Datura - I have not! Never around them when they unfold, but at the old house, I'm sure more than one waiting bat saw it nightly. Thanks, across the mountains and great plains, to you.

  8. The butterflies have been fantastic this year. So many butterflies were migrating across our island in Maine that we kept running into them.

  9. Great shots of the butterflies and blooms alike! Happy GBBD!

  10. Wonderful photos! I was still able to read your post about code enforcement in my Google subscription list. I am sorry you are going through that. I had a similar complaint about some azaleas overhanging the sidewalk, which came about two days after I had to introduce myself to a new neighbor who just moved in and proceeded to come on to my property to cut down a shrub he didn't like. He claimed he thought it was his, even though his property was surveyed just the previous week with marking flags and paint still in place. Thankfully he has flown on. Happy GBBD to you, and I hope everything works out for you with the city.

    1. Les, thanks for the reply on the code issue I had. Unintentionally or for my own good the post was deleted. I ended up removing a black and blue salvia right in the middle of hummingbird migration as well as my three year old bronze fennel plant with swallowtail eggs. I was pretty upset when I wrote that post. I probably need to cool of a bit before I re post another one on the subject. So how does the google subscription list work?

  11. Love the way you captured that humming-bird moth, Greggo! I am not so skillful. Your September garden is amazing.

  12. So many great wildlife photos this Bloom Day. These are just wonderful. You make datura petals look like the finest satin.

  13. I'm impressed that your swamp milkweed is still blooming. Mine were done a while ago. Love the butterfly photos.

  14. Impressive photos, Greg! We haven't had as many butterflies this year as last. Nor have there been the black swallowtail caterpillar and monarch caterpillar populations in our gardens this summer - last year we had many. Not sure why. We do have lots of pollinators, though, and I'm grateful for that.

  15. Great photo work with all that wildlife! Your garden looks like a happenin' place for the butterflies. Happy GBBD!

  16. I have had Datura in the past Greggo, but no! I have never managed to get such a shot. Your first picture of the Purple Coneflower with Painted Lady looks like a winner to me.

  17. The monarchs are having a fiesta in your garden--what a good host you are! Our poor gardens are looking very tired, unlike yours which is still so filled with blooms. Lovely moonflower. Happy bloom day to you!

  18. Wonderful photos, especially the moon flower!

  19. Everything looks so beautiful. I love that you included wildlife in most of the shots. :o)


Thanks for leaving any comments, they are always welcomed. Sorry I had to add word verification as spam was becoming a huge problem. Greggo,