
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hazy and Lazy

As you can see from the photo the view is hazy, and I'm feeling lazy from all the humidity. The temperature is in the low 90's with humidity in the 70-80% range. Ouch..
Morning view: Front Hell Strip/Meadow Garden. Panicum amarum 'Dewey Blue'(tallest grass), Verbascum thapsus-Common Mullein(large leafed plant), Linum perenne-blue flax(mid border), Stipa tenuissima-mexican feather grass( on left of photo), Yucca rigida(front of border), and newly planted Dalea purpurea-purple prairie clover and Sporobolus heterolpis-northern dropseed(front of border). Also intertwined is Nepeta 'Walkers Low'-catmint, Asclepias incarnata-swamp milkweed, Calamagrostis, Echinacea purpurea, and Salvia farinacea-mealy blue sage.

So many things to do this weekend and all I want to do is chill. So chill it shall be. 


  1. What a lovely bed that is. I love nice full beds like that.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. That was my Saturday! No motivation at all. Fortunately I recovered from my laziness on Sunday. I love the Mexican Feathergrass but nurseries around here won't sell it because it reseeds so aggressively it is considered invasive. Is that your experience?

  3. That is one gorgeous bed. I love the mullein and all the others you have chosen. We are learning something about humidity this year, too!

  4. Greg, You have a wonderful eye for putting plants together!

    The heat was really sapping this weekend. It feels so good to have cooler weather this morning!

  5. When it's pleasant or cooling down here, almost always muggy your direction! But that's crazy early, it seems, though I bet most any kind of weather is probably quite normal in KS. The plants in the bed look really happy, and give the illusion of cool. Your intent, for sure!

  6. nice photo! I wish it would get warmer here in wisconsin (not humid though)

  7. That is a gorgeous bed.
    And, I feel your pain about the heat & humidity. AND...our AC went out! Waiting for repairman now.
    Love the mullein, too.

  8. Chilling is good! Envious that you have the room for the mullein, I wish I did! Your hell strip is looking lush and happy despite the heat and humidity.

  9. I do not envy your weather at all. The flowers look awfully good despite the heat.

  10. That's hot and humid but just looking at that combination makes me cooler.

  11. Ouch...when it's that hot and...ugh...humid, I never want to leave the comfort of A/C! Love the photo, such a wonderful exuberance of plants...can't wait to see your Dalea bloom!

  12. Looks like the plants are doing better than you are in that heat Greggo, they all look happy and beautiful!

  13. Hi Greggo, I love that area! I wish I could grow flax. I can't get it to live over the winter.

    I'm not sure if you subscribed to the follow up comments. The milkweed in my curb bed is common milkweed. I also have swamp milkweed and a few other kinds in other areas of the yard.

  14. Oh is that already difficult to work? Can you relate to 36.8C with RH of 80-90%? That is what we are having at the height of our dry season, you really hate going out even at 7am! Now that we have afternoon showers because of thunderstorms and climate change, we are happier!

  15. I have so much to do as well...I am looking forward to that chill period. Your meadow garden is lovely.


Thanks for leaving any comments, they are always welcomed. Sorry I had to add word verification as spam was becoming a huge problem. Greggo,