
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just Walking

Just walking around the garden this night. Moving plants from overcrowding and weeding a few neglected areas I always miss. I'm in tune with the garden, almost like a part of the orchestra.
I glance upon the abundant number of butterfly's. It's seems they are all in a hurry to feed before the cupboard goes bare.
Nepeta 'walkers low'
Saponaria ocymoides
 Iris sibirica 'Caesars Brothers'



  1. I've just discovered your lovely blog and I'm now following ~ so nice to meet you!
    Anne ♥♥

  2. I can see why you were walking around the garden. It is so pretty and the butterflies are gorgeous, too.

  3. Not only pretty blooms but already with butterflies. What more can one ask for then that beauty.

    Cher Sunray Gardens

  4. Lovely blooms and butterflies. I couldn't help but notice your fennel. I dream of the day mine gets that large. It always gets eaten before it gets that big. I hope your butterflies will find it soon.

    1. Yes, it is quite larger the last few years. I notice a swallowtail yesterday. So it won't be long. I have many small fennel seedlings as well this year.

  5. Wonderful photos, especially of the butterflies! (I assume you use a tripod to get them so perfectly clear?)

    The iris against the mound of finely textured bronze fennel is a particularly nice study in contrasts too. I love bronze fennel, even if it isn't native!

    1. I have used a tripod before, however these were taken with a image stabilization lens 50-250 and cropped to make larger.

      If you want some fennel, I many new seedlings. They do have to be transplanted young as they have a large tap root. I will give you and your husband a tour. Clearwater not very far away is i?

  6. Love, love, love the analogy of the garden and an orchestra! Yes, yes we are in tune with our gardens and it's lovely! Beautiful imagery too!

    1. I wanted to use some more musical terms, however i wanted to publish before I lost my inspiration. Definitely a golden moment.

  7. Beautiful photos.
    I agree with Cat...the orchestra analogy is perfect.
    Love that iris, too.
    Have a great weekend. Hopefully quieter weather, than last weekend.

  8. Greggo, you've just described the kind of evening and experience we all dream of in our gardens, I think. Thank you. You have such a good eye for texture and shape--your photos are really helpful to this gardener who's trying to learn about them both!

    1. That iris is the third one planted there. The other two succumbed to unknown maladies.

  9. Yes, a rhapsody of beauty. Your garden is just gorgeous. Love all the textures.

  10. I really enjoyed the walk in the garden with your spectacular flowers and your special butterfly visitors....simply beautiful!

  11. Your photos are beautiful. Love the first one with the butterflies! Have a great wknd.

  12. Nice butterfly photos. The colors of the first photo are striking together.

  13. I love the crisp pictures of the butterflies. :o) The iris and fennel together are beautiful! I grow fennel every year. The pollinators love it.

  14. It looks like summer! Beautiful summer! I used to have irises when we lived in Missouri. There is no one single plant in my current garden. I think I am lazy to divide them.

  15. Love the Iris sibirica 'caesars brother'...have you seen the cultivar 'steve'?
    I believe that is its on my wish list..its a deeper blue.
    great photos as usual!

  16. I needed to take my open space walk a month ago, but no time. I like seeing the fruits of your ramblings around, much different than what I'll be seeing in these parts. All those blues are perfect on this warm morning pulling some weeds.

  17. I am guessing that is fennel behind the iris, and it makes a great backdrop.

  18. Great shot- I got a few shots yesterday of two butterflies on one bloom as well- love it- are you having as many butterflies there as we are here? They are everywhere here- it is wonderful!!!!!

  19. I meant shotS. not shot. =0( Great shots!!!

  20. I like the idea of feeling in tune with the garden. It takes me a while to get there in Spring. But seeing butterflies helps. Lovely photos, Greggo.

  21. Gorgeous, Greggo.... the butterflies AND the garden!

  22. Wow. Your Walker's Low is blooming? You're way ahead of me. Your photos are lovely, especially the first one of the Iris vignette. Well done!

  23. Yes, we enjoy our yard walks, don't we? I have a sinus infection, and very little energy, so I have had to enjoy my time out there without weeding. I think I am about finished moving things around, though.

    I enjoyed your photos.


Thanks for leaving any comments, they are always welcomed. Sorry I had to add word verification as spam was becoming a huge problem. Greggo,