
Friday, December 9, 2011

Doctor My Eyes

Photo taken with My Smart Phone-A Kansas Sunrise
It's been two weeks since we visited my son, granddaughter, and newly wed bride for Thanksgiving weekend. He had made an monumental move soon after his wedding, along with starting a new job position in an alien city. From San Antonio to Oklahoma City. wheh. My significant other is a great caring mother and carries many of the concerns and worries which would accompany such a large change. And sadly our beloved granddaughter who lives in Corpus Christi with her mother will now be 528 miles from daddy. Realistically I suppose this is a common occurrence in today's society, but making that point does not make it less difficult. Needless to say, whats my point, and what's that have to with gardening? No point, and nothing to do with gardening. I started writing about my camera and it derived into this paragraph.
Well to the point. I took my camera along to take photos of course. Since I was extremely tired from working the Thanksgiving and Black Friday rush I was completely oblivious to everything. I can't even remember if any photos were even taken, and the worst part is the camera is still there and I've lost my eyes.............................

 Doctor, my eyes have seen the years
And the slow parade of fears without crying
Now I want to understand

I have done all that I could
To see the evil and the good without hiding
You must help me if you can

Doctor, my eyes
Tell me what is wrong
Was I unwise to leave them open for so long

'Cause I have wandered through this world
And as each moment has unfurled
I've been waiting to awaken from these dreams
People go just where they will
I never noticed them until I got this feeling
That it's later than it seems

Doctor, my eyes
Tell me what you see
I hear their cries
Just say if it's too late for me

Doctor, my eyes
Cannot see the sky
Is this the PRICE for having learned how not to cry
-Jackson Browne

So who's your doctor? And is it later than it seems? Tell your loved ones they are loved and they are a special part of your life, before it's too late.


  1. I read this and read your worries there too. Life is hard in today's world. Always has been but in different ways for the young than what it was for us. Hope you enjoyed your trip.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. That is a stunning picture, and and I hope you took some solace from it. I am so fortunate to have come from a family that did not suffer the modern epidemic of division and reincorporation into blended families. However, I know so many people in situations similar to you and your son's, and it seems that this time of year it is particularly hard to deal with, so I wish you and yours the best.

    Les @ A Tidewater Gardener

  3. Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you (Ps 55:22) I have set he Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. (Ps. 16:8) Does your granddaughter know her Daddy in Heaven, who is always close to her? Beautiful sky picture, by the way. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies proclaim the work of His hands :-) You should link with Skywatch Friday :-)

  4. Cher-thank you very much. This post started out being just a post on missing my camera (eyes).

  5. Les- I too went through the same issues when I was young. I think that's why the lyrics were so poignant to me. Thank you for your best wishes. Pretty good photo quality for a smart phone.

  6. Toni- yes. and thank you for your verses. the word is very comforting.

  7. Toni put it so nicely. I too was going to quote Ps 55:22. Always in time of need or worry ....

  8. Great view of the vivid sky :)


  9. I've had the same situation with one of my sons. The resilience of the children have surprised and cheered me. Time passing is good medicine.

    Thanks for the blast from the past. I do love Jackson Browne and Doctor My Eyes is one of my faves!

    Blessings to all.

  10. Dona- thanks
    Firas-thanks for stopping by.
    Sandy-yes children are resilient. Healing hands of time.

  11. We do tend to worry about our kids...and then the next generation, as well.
    Hope it all works out.

    Lovely photo...

  12. Sometimes things happen in our lives that we never wanted or expected. I would have never thought as a Christian woman that my own marriage would one day be gone and my children would have extended families. We are not of immune from the times and sometimes have to face and go on to make the best of what is dealt us. I know you know that but some may not. Thank goodness for the one Doctor who is always on call. It is for the children we hate to see go through this but letting them know they are not to blame and that they are loved will in time heal most wounds.
    Sorry I did not want to make this a speech. LOL!
    I do not miss those Black Friday sales in the least after retiring. LOL! I use to think what are all of these silly people doing out this early shopping. LOL!
    What a marvelous picture of the sky Greggo. It was a great photo catch.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  13. that is a really cool picture :) -john

  14. Linda- osu big 12 champs. thanks for the comments.
    Lona - Your the best. thanks for the comments, you have a very nice way of communicating your feelings.

  15. Beautiful sunrise Greggo. Your post started with the picture and moved to the family because the latter, understandably, is where your heart and mind are right now. Take faith that the sunrise is an omen for your son and his family.

  16. A wise friend told me a long time ago that God didn't bring you this far to drop you on your head. Wiser words I have yet to hear. Skype and airplanes are wonderful things that can bridge any distance. All will be well. Hang in there!!

  17. Tammy- thanks for your comments. Skype is good if its used. We did the airplane thing over Thanksgiving. And yes every thing is well, but being there is better.

  18. Sounds rough Greggo. I'm sorry about your granddaughter's separation from her dad. It's so sad when this happens. I'm a bit confused. Is your son living in OKC?

    Also, we sometimes write about different things than gardening, and I think it rounds out our posts. Merry almost Christmas.~~Dee

  19. Hi Greggo, Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. This is my first visit. Beautiful sunrise!

    You know how familiarity breeds contempt? Well this song was played way too often and became cliche. But looking at the depth of the lyrics, it is really amazing. Interestingly, because of its familiarity the song has become exactly what it is about, if that makes sense. I always liked Jackson Browne.

    The circumstances which so many children of today must grow up in is very sad. As long as your granddaughter knows she's loved, it will all work out. I'm confident of that.

  20. Hey Greggo, finally catching up with your blog after a bit of a blogging hiatus! Its hard being away from your family and loved ones. This year marks my 11yr anniversary living in the States, all my family and my husbands family are back in Australia, needless to say Skype is our best-friend and we embrace the rare time we do have together as a treasure, its even more valuable when its not "common" we don't take a second of time spent with family for granted, especially when the grandparents are spending time with my kids!! Gorgeous pic of the sunrise too. Thinking of ya...Cheers Julia

  21. All so relevant to us here in Aberdeen Greggo when we found our daughters and grandchildren leaving our city in the look out for richer pickings in London. As for Doctor my eyes! well I now find myself with macular degeneration bringing gradual failing of my eyesight. Ah well, still so much to be grateful for.Have a great Christmas

  22. That is a beautiful image to start such a poignant post with. I find it sad when families are apart even if I subconsciously or even consciously know that this may actually be better all around. I don't know how old your granddaughter is but children are more resilient than we think. As long as she feels loved from all sides, she will be okay.

  23. beautiful sky with incredible colors.

  24. Love that photo shot. You're a good guy. Like others have said, kids are resilient and it's nice to know that if they need someone for support, you're there....even if you're a million miles away:)

  25. Hey Greggo,

    I'm sorry to say I have witnesser the pain of breaking up a family. My kids moved to Iowa and I miss them big time. They moved into a three girl family. So they're living a Brady Bunch and I'm stuck in a nursing home. It's tough stuff, Greggo. I try 6o deal but I have my days.

  26. I am assuming you have your camera back. I was a huge Jackson Browne fan. I can think of a song that involved taking photographs. I think it's Fountain of Sorrow. He was singing to a woman about how she was looking up to see who was beside her, something about her childish laughter, but at the moment that the camera happened to find her, there was just a trace of sorrow in her eyes. It may have been about his wife who had committed suicide. A lot of his music was sad.

    I'm glad I'm listening to Christian Praise music these days.


Thanks for leaving any comments, they are always welcomed. Sorry I had to add word verification as spam was becoming a huge problem. Greggo,