
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fill the Frame

As usual I'm perplexed and disappointing with my Gardens Gone Wild Photography Contest photos selections. As none of them have received even a honorable mention. I will admit however that they didn't measure up to the "winners". I suppose we second guess our selections or if we cropped them right etc etc. Well I suppose I will continue on! I'm sure some of you have seen these before, so excuse me if they are redundant.
Penstemon mexicali (died this brutal summer)'red rocks'
Stipa tennuissama, Festuca and Rudbeckia hirta
Stipa tenuissima, Achilea 'Coronation Gold', Penstemon mexicalli 'Red Rocks', and Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster'
Salvia fairanacea, Salvia guaranitica 'black and blue', globe basil, Rudebeckia fulgida 'goldstrum' and Miscanthus sinensis 'morning light'
Achilea millefolium 'terra cotta', Liatris spicata, Salvia fairanacea, and Achilea 'coranation gold'
Achilea millefolium 'terra cotta' presently my favorite plant.
Falugia paradoxia -Apache plume

As usual you can go to Gardens Gone Wild Picture This Photography website to view Octobers participants.


  1. Beautiful shots! That one of the monarch is stunning. The second after the Achilea is a really great shot as well. All are. Sorry you didn't win. I am curious now and will go look at the winners since to me these are all superb.

  2. I know what you mean. Your last submission should have made the finals for sure. And I have picked you winner on another before. I do not understand a lot of the decisions, but do respect them. My main thing is just getting feedback. I think that is so important. I do not know which you picked because it is not posted there as of yet, but I see a few that could be winners.

  3. I do like them all, but my first instinct was #2. It is because the Rudbeckia is so prominent, yet it sits alone. A play of foreground to background with a story of the unexpected. #3 and #6 seem to fit the criteria better since Saxon was giving points to a broader landscape. But the Falugia is a great composition and has movement. I like them for different reasons. But you know my track record is pretty bad in the competition, so don't follow my lead. I always look at photography more from a painters perspective and that may be my downfall.

  4. well, I like them all, I think you should have gotten an honorable mention!

  5. I agree with Donna, you have some great photos. I'm partial to 2 and 3. 3 because the yarrow look so sculptural. Good luck!

  6. Lovely photos you captured. I seem to be with the others and like 2 and 3 best.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  7. The yarrow blooms look like hovering space ships -- I like them a lot.

  8. I am also perplexed - those are incredible and evocative photos, that capture what I know (or need to know) about those plants. GREAT work!

  9. Wow, you have some STUNNING photos! I love #2 and #3, as well as the photo of just the achilea and the last photo of the monarch.
    I have got to get me some of that Stipa tenuissima - it is beautiful!!

  10. Which one. That is tough- ok. From reviewing again what it seems they are asking for I like four for it- the 5th and 6th and the one under the Apache plume on this post and the 12th on the Cool and Crisp post. The C&C one might not fill it as much as they want though and the 12th might have too much sky in it though it is filled with clouds... but it's close. Not sure if that helps but if you wanted me to nominate one in my opinion for the criteria I guess it would be the 6th one in this post. That's hard. They are all so extraordinary in different ways. You are very talented. Just trying to see what they are looking for and suggest in that direction- again in my opinion. Must be the teacher in me to keep going back to the contest page and reading and judging hahaha. Yes, was a teacher for 12 years before started working with my husband. Anyway, good luck with whatever one you choose and let us know if you win!

  11. I think you have a wonderful selection of photos.

  12. Beautiful! 3 and 6 are my favorites. They really fill the frames vibrantly and perfectly.

  13. I think your pictures are all gorgeous. I love the one of the Monarch and since I am fond of Achillea I love your bright yellow ones in thepictures. I never win anything in the picture contest either. LOL! Too many talented photographers.

  14. I think that the GGW photo contest is very subjective (maybe any photo contest). You have to read the mind of the judge. I am going with #3 and #10.

  15. Wow don't those achillea flower heads hover!

  16. I chose #6. I afraid it may not be sharp enough but I think it fits the requirements. Thanks for all your encouragement, comments and choices. I am very appreciative. Check out the gallery, I just viewed a fungus photo form Tina that is spectacular. g.

  17. I think your photos are beautiful. I especially like 1, 3, 4, 6 , 10 and 12.

  18. Greggo, they are stupendous. I wish mine were so good. I gave up trying to win the contest, but I love learning more by reading about how the winners were chosen. I love the color in your #1 and the composition of #3. The others are wonderful too.~~Dee

  19. I think they're all fabulous! Contests are so subjective, anyway. I'm just happy if my photos are decent enough to post on my blog.

  20. Wow! Great photos! I LOVE the 3rd one...really caught my eye!

  21. Hey, I like the one you chose--I think it'll beat mine, anyway! You have some nice pics here, seriously. As someone who just won the contest says, it's your turn my friend!

  22. I had a hard time trying to pick out one I liked best. But if forced to pick, they would be 2, 3 and 10. I'm surprised you didn't win something :(

  23. I wanted to let you know that your submission is looking like 1st place to me. It follows the contest to a T. No disrespect to the judge, but I like your image just as much as his that is similar.

  24. From these photos, I think you have a great eye for photographing your garden. These are breathtaking! I could not decide which I liked best....good luck!!!

  25. Lovely photos, as always, good luck with the contest!

  26. I see several that are stunning! Good luck next time!

  27. Beautiful, all. I'm sure it was hard to choose - I see a few winners in there. Best of luck!

  28. Awesome all of them !
    I saw a show with Stossel where they had all these hoidy-toity art high creative ratings to work done supposedly by adults with artistic skills...unknowingly they were were critiqueing young children's paintings ! Analyzing "thought", and "techniques", etc......when in truth, just arbitrary kids stuff !
    What a joke !

  29. Beautiful photos. The colors are amazing but so are the textures. I think you chose the right one - I'm sure it was a long hard process!

  30. I agree with the other comments, your photo's are great and contests are subjective. I particularly love the Achillea shot with all the other golds around it.

  31. Nice submission to the GGW contest. Great use of cropping to fill the frame with an interesting horizontal but the choppy light might have suggested a stronger crop, to get rid of everything to the right of the feather grass.

  32. Well Greggo, all I can say is the standard must be helluva high as your pictures are fantastic. If you don't mind I have a picture of your garden which I would like to add to my (Your Gardens) page with a link to your blog. If you have any objections no worries I will remove it.

  33. Your photos get better and better and better.

    I really really liked #2, perhaps just without the far-distant flowers in the extreme upper right corner--they seem to distract from the pair of Ruds--or are they the crowd searching out the pair of Rud-lovers? There's a story there.

    I think SH's suggestion to crop out the Perovskia is a good idea, try it and see what you think. Not that I know anything.

    I never understand the contests myself. I try to pick a photo that might fit the contest, but most of the time I still have no clue.

  34. Greg, sorry to hear you been out of touch for a bit. But check in tonight on my GWGT blog. I have two photo contests you might be interested in. Your images are always stunning and even though there is little chance to win these contests, they do post many of the images and yours are so darn good, it might be worth you entering.

  35. beautiful photos, stunning. good job
    un saludo

  36. I am belated in congratulating you on these wonderful photos. Even though you didn't in every one is worth a win in my eyes. Stunning.


Thanks for leaving any comments, they are always welcomed. Sorry I had to add word verification as spam was becoming a huge problem. Greggo,