
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

W Wednesday - A Little of This and That


  1. Beautifully subtle bloom and grass images. And as ever the butterflies have such lovely colours and markings. Some impressive photography!

  2. Lovely blooms and the photos are beautiful especially the Butterfly photos.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. i would call that, A lot of this and that. Nice photography. How do you get them to sit still?

  4. Beautiful! The pollinators are very busy in your garden! Super photography! And, yes, the blooms in my post are Autumn Fire Sedum...Just starting to bloom and a very busy place...butterflies, bees, wasp...

  5. Well done! A busy place indeed!

  6. Beautiful! Isn't it fun to watch the bees on the datura!

  7. Incredible shots. That monarch is amazing. Sadly we have not seen a lot of butterflies as of late though yesterday I saw two new colors (I don't know any other than Monarch and Swallowtail) and lots of dragonflies so hopefully they are all starting to come. We have plenty of bees- three varieties I am told by George our neighbor. Your shots are inspiring.

  8. What fantastic shots of some of the pollinators in your garden. I am glad we do not have many of those hopping green critters though. LOL! The beetles are bad enough. I love the last picture of the coneflowers.

  9. Beautiful photos! I especially like the one of the hairstreak, as they are so small it can be hard to get such a good close-up.

  10. Yes...beautiful photos.
    We haven't had many butterflies. Too hot? Not enough of their kind of blooms? Don't know.
    Thanks for sharing yours.
    Have a good weekend.

  11. Beautiful that first pic with the Bluestem and the Achillea...stunning combo!

  12. I vote for the second image, with the red/orange and blue. Truly lovely photos all Greggo!

  13. Pretty nice critter captures Greggo. Many varieties too.

  14. Hi! What a beautiful post!

    I also have appreciated your comments on your shoulder surgery... things are going very well for me so far and my range of motion has been about 30% better than the therapist had expected... I spend a good part of the night in a bed but generally end up in a recliner. I'm also doing all my own driving, so things are going well... thank you for your interest... Larry

  15. gorgeous muted colors in that first image... love that blue grass.

  16. Thanks for a tour of the garden and your wild life. Loved the top image.

  17. I love the shot of the swallowtail and the caterpillar in the fennel. :o)

  18. I didn't know that bees adored the datura so much! Yet another excuse--er, reason--for me to plant it next year! :)

  19. Really lovely pictures. Lighting in some of them is really amazing. Thanks for posting.


Thanks for leaving any comments, they are always welcomed. Sorry I had to add word verification as spam was becoming a huge problem. Greggo,