
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dead Head'n

Deadheading means different things to different people. Or should I say different things at different periods of their lives. The definition to me is to pinch, pull, trim, cut, smash, or what ever it takes to remove old blooms, old or rangy growth or whatever to increase future bloom set, control lodging in future growth and to prevent seeding. Some people would probably call some of these procedures cutting back. Lets just call it dead head'n , it just sounds cooler. LOL
So before some of you send me correctional emails or comments about what dead heading actually is, this is my interpretation. I'm trying not to be too serious however. Blogging is for fun. Entertainment. Relaxation. Right?
Sooo, staying with my recent theme of relating to the flower child generation I will leave a Deadhead'n song to sing alone with. The new lyrics will follow the video. Sing these with the music while you are deadhead'n.

Prunin', got my clips all in.
Keep prunin', like the du-dah man.
Together, more or less in line, just keep prunin' on.

Limbs of roses and tropical cannas out on main street.
Chicago, New York, Austin and it's all on the same street.
Your typical garden involved in a greendream.
Prune it up and see what tomorrow brings.

Now is this fun or what?? Those of you who are pruning along, you can add more verses if you like when commenting. Now my other meaning to deadhead'n. Back in my heathern days (many moons ago) I could have been called a deadhead. But since then my lifestyle has changed and I have become a evangelical conservative. I still like the old music however. Please enjoy reminiscing.
The original post started out being informative about deadheading/pruning for future growth. Therefore this part of the post is about what plants are being deadhead'n as we sing.
The photo above is a 'Rapsody in Blue' Salvia I just clipped with a hedge trimmer, along with my other herbaceous salvias. Notice the empty trap, ha. Elmer some hunter you are. Wabbits!!!!

Sedum 'Autumn Joy'


Aster novae-angliae Alma Potschke

Aster laevis 'Bluebird'
After two weeks

Pruned to prevent volunteer seedlings
and create new side blooms
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lady in Red'  Before
Transplanted this Lady in late winter. It blooms on old wood so I just pruned the dead wood.
The Lady After
Asta la deadhead'n


  1. Great tutorial and fun too.

    Before I retired, I enjoyed deadheadin' a lot more. When I'd come home after a distressing day: 'Off with your head, Off with YOUR head, Off with ...'

    I'm obsessed with taking 'soggy socks' off daylily scapes.

  2. Nell remind me not to give you a an xe.

  3. Hey Greg. .I am also a Ks gardening blogger. .I have peaked in at your blog a few times before. Just wanted to let you know that I helped my mom cut back her autumn sedum this past weekend. .In southwest Ks. .I don't have to worry about my sedum getting too tall or leggy. .not enough moisture for that. .I was amused for the second time in 3 days that people cut back the sedum (when they are blessed enough to live where it rains!) Enjoyed your post. .and am wondering what you think of the nature center that is close to you? My husband likes to go drag racing in Ark City. .and I may go the next time to check out the nature center north of there (I'm ashamed to say I can't remember the name of it!) Have a great week.

  4. What in the world ever became of Sedum?
    She got her sparkle you know she isn't the same.
    Livin' on soil, vitamin D and cool rain.
    All a friend can say is "she's a pretty dame."

    or this rhyme is pretty lame ..heh

  5. Melanie- went to Chaplin Nature Center today, was very good. Lots of critters, saw some deer and a raccoon up close.
    Cathy sue-nice verse, will have to add it to the stanza.

  6. Always amazing how much a garden takes to dead heading isn't it?! Love that your singing as you go along; even a little mention of Austin!

  7. The catmint is sprawling all over its neighbors; I'll cut it back, and maybe it will behave.

    I'm going to go out and pick lettuce first, though. We're getting upper 80s and expecting 90s. I always dread the end of lettuce season. I wonder when that song will leave my brain now. Maybe I'll think of some more verses. I was disappointed when yours finished.

    I cut back my asters, goldenrods, and some other plants before they bloom, but have not cut back the sedums. Oh, and they have gotten floppy in the past. I better go do that, too.

    Have a great gardening day!

  8. Sue it looks like I'm spreading the disease. Can't get that song out of my brain either. Been there 2 days.

  9. My sedum were "dead headed" by a deer. How kind of the rabbit to help you out.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog about the Pine beetles. I appreciate your input!

  10. How well I remember the deadheads! A lot of good music came from that era. Now whenever I dead head my plants, that tune will be in my head. It's perfect! Thanks for a very enjoyable post.

  11. I'm an enthusiastic deadheader! I deadhead constantly and keep my pruners by the kitchen door. My deutzia is the middle of a massive "haircut" via the pruners to make sure I have flowers again next year. Your comment on my last post cracked me up!! I am the only gardener at my house, although at times I lasso my teens into helping me, usually against their will.

  12. DG-Keep deadhead'n
    CM-same story when my boys were teenagers, they called me the mulch miester.


Thanks for leaving any comments, they are always welcomed. Sorry I had to add word verification as spam was becoming a huge problem. Greggo,