
My Plants

Annuals 2012
Cuphea-Cuphoric Pink-4.12-Ace Hardware-Syngenta-Container
Juncus effusus-Soft Rush-4.12-Ace Hardware-Gardeners Choice-Meadow Garden
Lantana camara-Bandita Red-4.12-Ace Hardware-Guthrie Greenhouse-Container
Lantana 'Lucky'-Lucky Pure Gold-4.12-Ace hardware-Norwood Nurseries

Annuals 2011
Capsicum 'Black Pearl' - Black Pearl Pepper -  5.10 - Ace Hardware - Planted from hand picked seed into 4" Pots for spring 2011.
Melampodium paldosum 'Showstar' - Butter Daisy - 5.11 - Westlake Ace hardware (4) free 4pak(impressed last summer 12-16" daisy type yelllow blooms, slow grower entrance gardern 1.12)
Solenostemon 'Electric Lime' - Coleus 'Electric Lime' - 2009 - Stone Creek Nursery - Propagated into pots year to year (have one last plant left-still in clay pot indoors 1.12)
Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost' - Diamond Frost Euphorbia - 4.11 - TBD(no better than other varieties 1.12)
Ipomea 'Tricolor' - Tri-color Sweet Potato Vine - 6.10 - Ace Hardware (Red Dirt Nursery) - Propagated from 2011 via cuttings. 
Ipomea 'Caroline' - Caroline Sweet Potato Vine - 6.10 - Ace Hardware (Red Dirt Nursery) - Propagated for 2011 via cuttings. Copper colored vine.
Lantana 'Bandana Cherry' - Lantana Bandana cherry - 4.11 - Ace Hdw (Syngenta) (1)(ok 1.12)
Salvia mystic spires blue-Mystic Spires Sage-5.11-Stone Creek Nursery (1)(Impressed 1.12)
Scaveola 'Cajun Blue' - Cajun Blue Scaveola - 4.1.11 Santa Rosa Nursery mail order (3)(Ok probably won't plant in 012)
Scaveola 'Bluebird' - Bluebird Scaveola - 5.10 - Ace Hardware - rated well for 2010

Helichrysum italicum Curry Plant (non-culinary)-5.11-Kaw Valley(1)(loved the foilage1.12)
Matricaria recutita - German Chamomile - 4.11 - Ace Hdw (Chef Jeffs) (1)(summer heat dead)
Salvia officinalis 'Aurea' - Golden Sage - 4.11 - Ace Hdw (Chef Jeffs) (1)lost under growth of basil

Grasses and Sedges
Carex testacca - Orange Sedge 4.1.11 - Santa Rosa Nursery mail order (3)(a little to green, however the jurys still out. will see if it overwinters.1.12)
Carex 'Red Rooster'-Red Rooster Sage-4.12-Ace hardware-Gardeners Choice-container

Festuca glauca 'Boulder Blue' - Boulder Blue Fescue - 4.11 - Santa Rosa Nursery mail order (3)(excellent 1.12)
Miscanthus sinensis 'Dixieland' - Dixieland Maiden Grass - 4.11 - Santa Rosa Nursery mail order (1) Miscanthus  sinensis 'Variegatus' - Variegated Maiden Grass - existing on property when purchase - have transplanted into (3) plants 
Pennisctum alopecuroides 'Piglet" - Dwarf Fountain Grass - 4.16.11- Santa Rosa Nursery mail rder(1)(will see if it overwinters)
Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues' - Silver Bluestem - 4.1.11 Santa Rosa Nursery mail order (3)(very similar to varieties I transplanted from native , flops 1.12)

Ground Covers
Achillia serbica - Serbian Yarrow - 5.09 - High Country Gardens Nursery mail order (1)
Ajuga reptans 'Catlins Giant' - 4.1.11 Santa Rosa Nursery mail order (1)(like the leaf size for texture contrast 1.12)
Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' - Chocolate Chip Bugleweed - 4.11 Lowes(noticed it got some kind of crown rot this fall, just as the variety had done for me previously.)
Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy' - Deadnettle - 4.16-11 Santa Rosa Nursery mail order (1)Forgot to water once, smoked. but still alive)
Leptinella squalida 'Platts Black' - Platt's Black Brass Buttons - 5.10 - Lowes - crown rot 
Phlox subulata 'Snowflake' - Moss phlox - 4.1.11 - Santa Rosa Nursery mail order (3)
Sedum Acre-stonecrop mini-5.11-Menards(Pathway Plants)(1)summer heat, full sun.
Sedum lydium-Mossy Stonecrop-5.11-Menards(Pathway Plants)(1)summer heat, full sun.
Sedum 'Lemon Ball' - Lemon Ball Sedum - 9.10 - winter crown rot propagated for 2011 from cutting
Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'-Cape Blanco Stonecrop-5.11-Tree Top Nursery(Monrovia)(1)summer heat, full sun. 
Sedum spurium 'Elizabeth Red Carpet' - Elizabeth Red Carpet Stonecrop - 7.10 - Tree Top Nursery (Thrivers Perrenials) (1)summer heat, full sun.

Perennials Herbaceous (hardy)
Achillea 'Terra Cotta' - Terra Cotta Yarrow - 4.1.10 - Bluestone Perennials - (3)(5 star)
Achillea 'Moonshine' - Moonshine Yarrow - 8.09 - Dillons and Bluestone Perennials - (3)(4 star)
Achillea 'Saucey Seduction' - Saucey Yarrow - 8-09 - Blooms of Bressingham - (1)(2 star)
Aenthionema schistosum - Fragrant Persian Stonecress - 5-09 - High Country Gardens - (1)
Agastache 'Summer Fiesta' - Summer Fiesta Hyssop - Santa Rosa Gardens mail order (1)
Agastache 'Purple Haze' - Purple Haze Hyssop- Anise - 6.09 - Lowes - (1)(barely hanging on 1.12)
Agastache neomexicana - New Mexico Hummingbird Mint - 5.09 - High Country Gardens mail order  winter rot 
Agastache meixicana-Acapulco Salmon & Pink-5.11-Kaw Valley(1) 
Antermmaria dioica 'Rubra'-Pussytoes-6.11-Lowes
Anthemis tinctoria 'Susanna Mitchell' - Susanna Mitchell Marguerite Daisy - 5.09 - High Country Gardens mail order (did better in 010 than 011)
Aster cordefolius 'Woods Blue'- Woods Blue Aster-4.10-Bluestone Perennials mail order-(3) 
Aster laevis-Bluebird Aster-4.10-Bluestone Perennials mail order-(3) 
Boltonia asteroides 'Snowbank'-Snowbank Boltonia-4.10-Bluestone Perennials mail order- (3)(2 star) Good during bloom period as it drapes over flower carpet rose, good for backside of border)
Coreopsis verticillata 'Rosea' - Threadleaf Coreopsis Rosea - 5.11 - Ace (Thrivers Perennials) (1)
Coreopsis veriticillata-Tickseed-4.10-Bluestone Perennials mail order(1)
Dianthus gratianopolitanus - Cheddar Pinks 'Firewitch'-08 from Ponca (3)-5-11 Menards(2)
Echinacea purpurea Pow Wow Wild Berry -'Pow Wow Wild Berry Coneflower'-5.11-Lowes (1)
Echinacea purpurea 'Praire Splendor'-Prairie Splendor Coneflower-5-11-Menards (2) 
Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus'-Magnus Purple Coneflower-6.09-Ace(Thrivers Perennials) 
Eupatorium dublum 'Little Joe' - Little Joe Pyeweed - 4.11 - Santa Rosa Gardens mail order - (1)
Eradium 'Bishops Form'- Crane's Bill-6.11-Menards(1)
Euphorbia 'First Blush' - Cushion Spurge - 4.10 - Bluestone Perennials (2)
Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate' - Joe Pye Weed 'Chocolate' -  5.11- Ace Hdw (Thrivers Perennials
Eupatorium 'Prairie Jewel' - Prairie Jewell Pyeweed - 5-10 - Treetop Nursery (Thrivers rennials(1)
Gallardia grandflora 'Arizona Sun' - Arizona Sun Blanketflower - 4.10 - High Country Gardens mail order winter rot 
Guara lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink'-4.12-Ace hardware-Thrivers Perennials-container-also planted in middle bed in 2011.
Geranium himalayense x pratense - Cranesbill 'Johnson's Blue' - 5.09 - Lowes
Geranium sanguineum stratium-Bloody Geranium-5.11-Meanrds-(2)
Heliopsis helianthoides 'Summer Nights'-Summer Nights False Sunflower-5.11-Tree Top(Thrivers Perennials)(1)
Hosta 'Praying Hands'-Praying Hands Hosta-3.11-Wichita Garden Show-in container-(1)
Juncus inflexus - Rush Blue Arrow - 5.11 - Santa Rosa Nursery mail order (1)(very impressed with this one 1.12, like the texure in dark blue color).
Kniphofia uvaria 'Flamenco'-Tritoma Red Hot Poker-6.10-Bluestone-mail order-(1)
Lavendula 'Munstead' - Munstead Lavender-6.09 - Johnsons Garden Center - (1) shaded out to minimal proportions by overcrowding Coreopsis 2010 (1) gone
Lavendula intermedia 'grosso'- Grosso English Lavender-5.11-Home Depot(1)

Leucanthemum superbum'Highland White Dream' - Snowy White Daisey - 8-1-08 - High Country Gardens mail order (1) 
Leucanthemum superbum'Alaska'-Alaska Shasta Daisy-4.10-Bluestone Perennials mail order(3)
Leucanthemum superbum'Becky'- Becky Shasta Daisy-4.9-Stone Creek Nursery (1)
Liatris ligullstylus - Meadow Blazingstar - 4.10 - Bluestone Perennials mail order (1)
Liatrus spicata 'Kobold'-4.12-Ace Hardware-Thrivers Perennials-Corner Hell Strip (1)
Ligularia denata 'Midnight Lady' Ligularia 'Midnight Lady - 5.11 - Ace Hdw (Thrivers perennials)
Linaria purpurea - Toadflax purple - 5.11 - Ace Hdw - (Thrivers Perennials) (1) 
Monarada didyma 'Jacob Cline'-Jacob Cline Bee Balm-5.11-Tree Top Nursery(The Flower Fields)(1)
Nepeta taassenii 'Walkers Low' - Walkers Low Catmint - Bluestone Perennials mail order (3)
Origanum vulgare 'Varigatum' - Variegated Sweet Marjoram - 6.10 - Westlake Ace (Chef Jeffs) - (1)

Papaver nudicaute'-Champagne Bubbles Yellow'-4.12-Ace hardware-Iceland Poppy-Container
Phlox subulata 'Amazing Grace' - Creeping Phlox Amazing Grace (white) - 5.11 - Ace Hdw - Thrivers Perennials 
Plumbago ceratostigma - Plumbago creeping - 9.08 - Ace Hardware (Thrivers Perennials)
Polemonium caeruleum 'Blanjou' - Brise d' Anjou Jacobs Ladder - 5.11-Menards (1) container
Ploemonium reptans 'Touch of Class'- Touch of Class Jacobs Ladder-5.11-Meanards (3)
Polemonium reptans 'Stairway to Heaven'-Stairway to Heaven Jacobs Ladder-5.11-Menards(1)
Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherry Brandy' - Black Eyed Susan 'Cherry Brandy' - 5.11 - Ace Hdw (Thrivers Pernnials) (1)
Rudebeckia speciosa 'Viettes Little Suzy'- Dwarf Black Eyed Susan-5.11-Meanrds (2)
Rudebeckia fulgida 'Goldstrum'-Black Eyed Susan Goldstrum-existing and 6-10-Bluestone Perennials mail order (3) 
Salvia nemerosa 'Caradonna' - Caradonna Sage - 5.10 - Lowes (1)
Salvia nemerosa 'Marcus' - Marcus Meadow Sage - 9.15.09 -  High Country Gardens mail order (1)
Salvia nemerosa 'May Night' -  May Night Salvia - Fall 09 - Propogated from mothers garden, transplanted and divided into (4) plants.
Salvia pratense 'Rapsody in Blue' - Salvia 'Rapsody in Blue' - 4.10 - Bluestone Perennials mail or (2)
Salvia pratensis 'Eveline'-Eveline Meadow Clary Sage-5-11-Lowes-(1)
Sedum hakonense 'chocolate ball'-4-10-Ace Hardware-Thrivers Perennials-container
Sedum makinoi 'Makinoi Ogaon'-4.12-Ace Hardware-Thrivers Perennials (yellow leaf groundcover)container 
Sedum 'Autumn Fire'-4.12-Ace Hardware-Thrivers Perennials-Container 
Stachys 'Silky Fleece' - Dwarf Lamb's Ear - 2009 - Outdoor Design (Thrivers Perennials) propagate through cuttings throughout garden (4). Has a tendency to rot.
Thymus citriodorus - Variegated Lemon Thyme - 5,09 - Westlake Ace (Thrivers Perennials) (1)
Verbena canadensis - Verbena Pink - 5.11 - Ace Hdw (Thrivers Perennials) (1)
Veronica 'New Century' - Speedwell New Century - 5.11 - Santa Rosa Nursery Mail Order (1)

Perennials - Bi-annuals (tender)
Foeniculum vulgare 'Smokey Bronze' - Bronze Fennel - 5.1.10 - Westlake Hardware (Mable's Table) (1) propagated for 2011 with collected seed.Volunteer seedling everywhere 012.
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue' - Black and Blue Salvia - 5.09 - Stone Creek Nursery - (3) - zone 7 - mulched heavy in winter - has recovered last 3 years. Have propagated throughout garden.

Perennials - Bulbs
Iris pallida - Variegated Iris (Sweet Flag) - 4.10 - Bluestone Perennials mail order (1)

Berberus thunbergii 'Compact Crimson Pygmy- Dwarf Crimson Pygmy Barberry - Westlake Ace (Greenleaf Nursery) (3) 
Buddleila davidii 'Pink Delight' - Pink Delight Butterfly Bush - 5.11 - Westlake Ace Hardware - Greenleaf Nursey (1) added one from gift 5.11

Fothergilla major 'Blue Shadow' - Blue Shadow Fothergilla - 5.11 - Westlake Ace Harware - Greenleaf Nursery (1)Bloomed spring 2012-very nice bottle brush bloom
Rosa 'Meiggili' - Peach Drift Rose - 6.10 Ace Hardware (Greenleaf Nursery) (1) 
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Endless Summer' - 5.11 - Menards - Baileys Nursery (1) 
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lady in Red' - Lady in Red Hydrangea - 8.09 - Outdoor Design (1) transplanted 4.11 
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Twist-n-Shout' - 5.11 - Menards - Baileys Nursery (1)

Shrubs Evergreen
Chamaecyparis pisifers 'Filifera Aurea' - Golden Threadleaf False Cypress - 6.08 - Lowes - (1)
Chamaecyparis pisifers 'Sungold' - Sungold Threadleaf False Cypress - 6.08 - Lowes -(1)
Picea abies 'Pumila' - Pumila Spruce - 6.09 - Ace Hardware - LGN Oregon (1)
Taxus media 'Hicksii' -Hicks Yew-4.11-Lowes (1)

Trees Deciduous
Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama' - Tamukeyama Japanese Maple -  6.08 - Lowes - (1) in container
Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' - Bloodgood Japanes Maple - existing (2)
Acer palmatum 'Dissectum'  Red - existing (1)

Trees Evergreen
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis - Weeping Alaskan Cedar - 5.11 - Home Depot -(1)

Dead Plants
 Agastache aurantiaca 'Shades of Orange' - Orange Hummingbird Mint -  5.09 - (1) High Country Gardens mail order winter rot 
Agastache cana 'Sinning' - Sonoran Sunset Hyssop - 8.08 - Dillons (Kaw Valley Greenhouses) (2) 1 winter rot
 Alchemilla mollis 'Auslese' - Lady's Mantle - 5.11 - Santa Rose Nursery mail order (1)(long gone, melting out) not a plant for Kansas.
Betula pendula 'Youngi' - Young's Weeping Birch Serpentine - 6.09 - Westlake Ace - (1)-succumbed to drought of 2011.
Buddleila 'Nano Blue' - Dwarf Nano Blue Butterfly Bush - 5.11 - Westlake Ace Hardware - Greenleaf Nursery (1) to replace existing nano that died over winter -died winter 2012-shaded out in middle perennial bed.
Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue'-Pincushion Flower-4.10-Bluestone Perennials mail order-(3) 1 winter rot