
Thursday, July 14, 2016

After Mid-day.

Bloom Day 2016.
It's been a while since I've posted as social media seems to take all the spare time these days. I'm somewhat nostalgic writing this blog post as writing them used to consume quite a bit of spare time, nevertheless I always enjoyed completing a post and interacting with other bloggers.
As always the 15th of the month means Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, a meme created by Carol at May Dream Gardens where fellow gardeners display their blooms every month.
Also I have a question, what photo editing software are any of you using as Picasa is gone? I wasn't able to edit any of these photos.
Echinacea purperea
It was nice to see a few Monarch butterflies and bees as I was out taking shots this late afternoon.
Eutochium maculatum - Gateway Joe Pye Weed
A few wide angle shots.
Above looking west from middle of property front entrance.
Rudebeckia, Echinacea, and Miscanthus 'Morning Light" entrance garden.
Looking East from the driveway. Amsonia , Etrochium, Baptisia, and Panicum Dallas Blues.
This would be a short list of things blooming today but I must move on. So happy bloom day.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

On the Farm (part 2)

In the last post of On the Farm , I discussed my trip to Northwest Oklahoma and my wife's parents farm properties. The image above was taken from the Whorton place as I was more interested in this property since it was converted to the Conservation Reserve Program years ago.

As you can see the hay bales in the upper left the land has been use as a hay field. It was taken out of the of the CRP program a few years ago. Many Tallgrass species are still present from the original seeding while some more invasive volunteer species have spread into the field from nearby properties such as the Weeping Lovegrass -Eragrostis curvula pictured above. 
This image was taken from the low lying area towards the higher plain. In the lower area where moisture settles from rainfall is present, Weeping Lovegrass, Sorghastrum nutans-Indian Grass, and a lesser amount of Andropogon geradii-Big Bluestem. The higher ground pictured above has more of a rusty brown hue consists mainly of Schizachyrium scoparium-Little Bluestem.

My original intention to visit this hay meadow was to transplant some grasses and possibly forbs to my own prairie garden in Kansas. The images below represent my selections.

Eragrostis curvula- Weeping Lovegrass, and the native lovegrass Eragrostis trichodes-Sand Lovegrass.