
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

My love of Spaghetti (Italian)Western movies is quiet evident by inserting a video clip from the Sergio Leone film, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Clint Eastwood became famous starring in many of these films. I'm using the film name as a theme for this blog post.

the Good

Tulips, spreading phlox, and the Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) tree are the only plants in full bloom presently. I definitely need to add more tulips in the coming years as I have been extremely pleased with the performance of this variety of tulip. I have used a different planting method to increase performance.
the Bad

You may ask what is bad about this area of the garden. Everything is green and growing, right? Yes, the Allium and Verbascum are doing well. But what is the green vine going gang busters during this cool and late spring? Yes, you probably guessed it, Convolvulus arvensis, Field Bindweed. 
I swear if there ever is evil in the plant world, this one is it. I'm curious how these new Perennial Movement gardens keep these noxious weeds and tree seedlings under control.
The plant in the lower area resembling chrysanthemum leaves is a Kansas native, Ambrosia psilostachya, Western Ragweed. This one snuck in with some native Delphinums I planted. Spreads by rhizomes, very prolific. This one I should be able to dig out with time.

The cool season grass above reminds me a lot of yellow nutsedge in appearance. However its a little early for that lovely weed. I believe this to be an Eragrostis that I planted from seed, and it has spread by rhizomes throughout this part of the garden and into the middle of plants.
the Ugly

Ulmus amercana-American Elm. Whats so ugly you may ask. Those are not new leaves developing on the limbs but clusters of seedheads. Thousands of seeds, there may be a few seedlings coming up in the mulch this year. Pure ugliness.
Former variegated Yucca. Fifteen below temperatures take care of zone envy dreams quickly. Mush ugly.

Big gopher holes?
This photo above shows the movement of six tall grass species in the corner hell strip to increase visibility on that traffic corner.
Before-January 2014
April 16, 2014
No they are not gopher holes, but transplant excavations. I moved a 8' crape myrtle in the first photo. The second photo involved moving Panicum to the photo above (bottom corner). The new construction creates quite a bit of ugliness. Soon the beds will be full of new native plants and everyone will be happy. Lawn Gone as Pam Penick @ Digging would say!
This post coincides with Garden Bloggers Bloom Day  where you can view blooms from all over the world.
Happy gardening!