
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Fine Foliage

Mighty fine! That's my usual words when I stub my toe or mash my finger. No this review is not of my vocabulary but the show of foliage texture in the garden. The day after Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, Pam at Digging hosts a foliage followup meme. This month along with the grand show of flowers we see an equal showing by foliage texture. Above we see Rhus thyphina 'Bailtiger', Tiger Eyes Sumac intertwined with the spring blooms. Also in the background Cedrus atlantica, Blue Atlas Cedar.
Helichrysum italicum, Ornamental curry contrasts with Iris siberica 'caesars brothers' seed heads and foilage, along with the before mentioned Cedrus.
 Nearby the Foeniculum vulgare, Bronze Fennel provides some foreground texure.
Triple play of Ascelpias incarnata, swamp milkweed, Rhus, and Panicum virgatum 'Dallas Blues'
Baptisia australis,False Blue Indigo, contrasting with Amsonia hubrichtii and Limun perenne.
 Dalea purpurea, purple prairie clover with Nasella tenuisima, Mexican feather grass.
In closure Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea', Golden Pennywort with Festuca, Blue Fesce, Perilla frutescens var. crispa

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bloom Day June 2013

After a cool spring with normal rainfall coming at needed times, this June has been spectacular for the health of the garden. I'm sure this week of extended temperatures and warm harvest winds will take a toll on the the looks of the garden. But lets be positive shan't we. Wow, loved this spring.
As always Carol with May Dream Gardens is hosting this monthly bloom day meme.
 Broad view of hell strip along street. Achillea 'Coronation Gold', Salvia farinacea, Echinacea purpurea, Delphinium carolinianum, Veronia altissima, and Nepeta 'Walkers Low'.

 Corner Hell Stip with Nasella tenuisima, Ascelpias tuberosa, Festuca, Echinacea pupurea, Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster', Alchillea m.'Terra Cotta', and Gallardia.

And of course one of my favorites every year Verbascum thapsus, common Mullien.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Natif Princesse

Delphinium carolinianum - Prairie Larkspur
This post title is written in French meaning Native Princess. To me this plant which was recovered from a vacant industrial plot has cast a magical spell on me. Maybe it's because of limiited success with Delphiniums, which have always died under my hands. Maybe because it seduces me with her spring beauty only to fade away for  6 months and reappear the following spring.  Whatever it is, this prairie plant is my favorite this spring. Enjoy.