
Saturday, February 23, 2013

In the Winter Doldrums

Much like the sparrow above I'm peeking out of my winter doldrums, but alas I still feel like going back into my hole. I suppose I have been in some form of spring denial, but I know those who are more positive than I have informed me that this too shall pass. And....I know it will.
As you can see snow has been the latest weather event in Kansas, received about 6" over the past 3 days. I have been working hard in my spare time to complete a "Texas" garden room. One of the accents is this bird house designed for finches. It seems the finches could care less but I did notice a chickadee check it out. It will probably become a home for sparrows.
A rusty tulip I received from my late sisters garden.
Bounty of Basil seeds.
A little spiky love in the snow. Yucca gloriosa 'variegata' grouped with Schizachyrium scoparium-Little Bluestem. Farewell from Kansas.